Monday, May 27, 2013


Okay i have a lot to complain.. really a lot.. till i have no idea where to start or how to start.. but let's just conclude everything.. Person A is irritating.. Person B is annoying.. Person C Doesn't even keep promises.. Person D (For you info i am a human no a machine).. Person E you think i am god? how would i know everything.. == Person E don't blame me for everything.. Person F seriously don't give me that.. i so want to punch you.... Person G thanks for helping!! :) Person H you have a scary face i don't want talk to you again.. okay i know there are a lot more people but i am lazy typing out all my complain cause i know is not of any use.. and if i were to type anymore i am afraid i would name out every single one of them.. so i will stop here.. thank you for listening to my complain.. I'm super pissed!

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