Tuesday, May 28, 2013

I want to disappear..

Sometimes.. when i think about it.. it is actually not that bad.. i'm afraid i will miss that place.. i really have no idea what i want or what i really need.. why are these feeling keep coming to me.. why does it get more and more confusing as days goes by.. i thought it will be clearer on what i need to do.. what i must do.. but i end up more and more confuse each day.. what is it this world want from me? what is it that you people want from me? what is it that my life want from me? tell me! if i can i will give.. i'm tired.. and i need a break.. a freaking long break.. to keep me away from my thoughts.. from my hopes.. from my dreams.. from this torture.. from this nightmare.. from life.. from myself.. please leave me be.. leave me alone.. i want to hide a corner where no one knows.. just treat me like i never existed.. maybe everything will be better then..


  1. So both of us are actually walking in the same direction but for some reason we can't see each other..
